
If you’re among the 75% of the population who suffer from some degree of dental anxiety, here’s how to beat it! Sedation dentistry is a solution that has helped thousands of patients with mild to extreme dental anxiety in a safe and effective way.

What is sedation dentistry and how does it work?

Quite simply, sedation dentistry helps you manage your dental fears and allow you to get on track and stay on track with the dental treatments you need to enjoy long-lasting dental health.

Sedation Dentistry involves the use of sedatives to help you attain a relaxed, easy and calm state before and during your dental visit. At our downtown Nanaimo dental clinic, we offer oral sedation.  The strength of sedatives will be prescribed to suit you and can range from mild to moderate in their effect.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

Oral sedatives are taken as pills, which our dentists prescribe to the patient in the consultation visit leading up to the treatment.  Oral sedation patients feel relaxed and remember little of the treatment, but still maintain consciousness during the treatment.

Considerations for Sedation Dentistry Treatment?

Our experienced dentists will help you decide if sedation is right for you.  One important consideration will be any medications and supplements you are taking.  It’s very important that all medications and supplements are disclosed – so bring a list to the consultation to be sure not to miss any.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry is considered to be very safe.  As in any medical procedure, dentists are trained to administer sedation and have several measures in place to ensure the safety of sedation dentistry patients.

Getting ready for your sedation dentistry visit

When having a sedation treatment you will need to be accompanied by a friend or family member both to and from the appointment. After the appointment, your friend or family member should stay with you until the effects of the sedatives have completely worn off.

For all of your sedation dentistry questions and for all of your family’s dental needs Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is here for you!  We welcome you to book an appointment today.

If you suffer from a fear of the dentist, inhalation sedation or  “laughing gas” could be a sedation dentistry solution for you to consider.  Here are 6 of the advantages of this mild and temporary form of sedation dentistry.

It works very rapidly.
Since it is a gas, it reaches the brain within 20 seconds, and relaxation and pain-relieving properties usually take effect after only 2 or 3 minutes.

The depth of sedation can be adjusted as needed.
Due to the quick uptake and effect of laughing gas, your dentist can adjust your level of sedation quickly as well.  Other sedation techniques, such as oral sedation take a longer period of time to take effect and therefore don’t allow for this.

It is a very flexible sedation dentistry treatment method.  With laughing gas, it’s easy to give incremental doses until the desired action is obtained.  Also, it can easily be switched off entirely when not needed and then switched on again if there is any further need.

There’s no after effect.
The gas is eliminated from the body within 3 to 5 minutes after the gas supply is stopped. You can safely drive home and don’t need an escort.

No injection is required.
Most people who harbor fears of the dentist also have fears about needles.  Laughing gas is easy to administer and requires no needles.  In cases of very severe needle phobia, getting laughing gas first can help you feel relaxed enough to allow the needle required for IV sedation.

It is a very safe form of  sedation.
It has very few side effects and the drugs used have no ill effects on the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain.

Effective at minimizing severe gagging.
Inhalation sedation has been found to be very effective in eliminating or at least minimizing severe gagging.

Despite all the benefits of laughing gas as a sedation dentistry treatment option, many dental clinics do not offer it.  To offer it, training is required, the equipment is takes up space and the cost of the equipment and gases is high.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is proud to offer inhalation sedation to our patients despite the above mentioned barriers. We strive to make you feel as comfortable as possible during your dental visits to our clinic and offering laughing gas is part of our effort to serve you and all of your family’s dental needs.  Please read more about sedation dentistry at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group on our website.

We look forward to seeing you and invite you to call to book an appointment today!