Dental Implants – Permanent Tooth Replacement

Did you know that a missing tooth can lead to other dental problems and cause neighbouring teeth to shift or tilt into an empty space?

In North America, up to 70% of adults are missing one tooth or more! While it is possible to live with a missing tooth, some serious dental challenges that arise from missing teeth include bone loss and shifting misaligned teeth.

How a Missing Tooth Affects Your Health

Why would your teeth shift into the missing space created by a lost tooth?  Because your teeth depend on one another to keep their position.  Once teeth tilt or shift, this can throw off the balance of your bite position and lead to further complications such as TMD.

Significant bone loss will affect the appearance of your face and the overall health of your mouth.  Once bone loss has occurred, it is irreversible.  Bone loss limits your dental treatment options; for example, dental implants require good bone density to be successful.

How Does a Dental Implant Work?

During the implant treatment with our Nanaimo dentist, a small titanium post is inserted into the area of the missing tooth which acts as a substitute for the root of the tooth. The jawbone forms a bond with the titanium, creating a very strong anchor.

A custom-made crown is then fitted on the titanium post, made to look and function naturally and to fit perfectly with your other teeth.

At Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group, implants are used individually, or to support a number of dental prostheses, including implant-supported bridges and dentures.

Advantages of Dental Implants

  • Looks Natural
    Dental implants most closely resemble your natural teeth, especially when a ceramic crown is used.
  • Conserves Surrounding Teeth
    Since dental implants do not require restorations on the neighbouring teeth, it is a more conservative treatment.  Fixed dental bridges, on the other hand, require that dental crowns are placed on the two adjacent teeth to support the bridged tooth.
  • Naturally Conserves Bone Density
    Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that accompany bridgework and dentures. Since bone regenerates due to stimulation from teeth rooted in the bone, an implant stimulates the bone and gums as much as a natural tooth would.
  • Permanent
    The success rate with dental implants is very high and without the downside of accelerated bone loss.  Since a dental implant is permanent, it won’t move out of place.
  • Easy to Care For
    A dental implant can be brushed and flossed normally.  As opposed to a denture or partial denture, it isn’t necessary to remove at night or worry about eating foods that may cause them to slip.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

It’s as important as ever to practice good hygiene and have regular professional cleanings with your dental implants.  With this little bit of regular care, your implants can last for a lifetime.

Alternatives to a Dental Implant

The alternatives to dental implants to fill the gap of missing teeth are dental bridges and dentures. Dental implants are becoming more and more common and are considered one of the most successful methods for replacing a missing tooth, several teeth or all teeth.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Dental Implant?

The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health.  The best candidates for dental implants have healthy gum tissues that are free of periodontal disease and adequate bone in the jaw to support the implant.

Please make an appointment with a dentist at Downtown Dental Group in Nanaimo today.

Our team of dental professionals welcomes your questions about dental implants and all of your family’s dental health needs!