Are you looking for the best option to replace missing teeth? Are you tired of dentures that do not afford you the best option for replacing missing teeth dental implants nanaimoability to enjoy the wide range of foods you love?

Anyone with missing teeth knows first-hand how important each tooth is in the proper functioning of your mouth.  On a basic level, it makes eating food less enjoyable.  But on further review, there are much more serious consequences.  We have written several posts on this topic if you would like to read up about the many unexpected impacts of missing teeth – from bone loss in the jaw to shifting teeth and a misaligned bite (TMD) which can cause all sorts of complications.

The good news is that there are several options to replace missing teeth.  It’s best to visit your dentist to discuss which option is best for you.  By far one of the best options, for those who are suitable candidates, are dental implants.

How do dental implants work?

During the implant treatment, a small titanium post is inserted into the area of the missing tooth which acts as a substitute for the root of the tooth. The jawbone forms a bond with the titanium, creating a very strong anchor.

A custom-made crown is then fitted on the titanium post, made to look and function naturally and to fit perfectly with your other teeth.

At Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group, implants are used individually, or to support a number of treatment options, including implant-supported bridges and dentures.  With CEREC, same-day crown technology, when the implant is ready, Dr. Mahara can even provide a high-quality ceramic crown to fit the implant in a single visit.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants have several advantages that make them an ideal replacement for teeth.  Most importantly, an implant functions much like a natural tooth.  Pressure in the jaw from the implant acts like the root of a tooth to stimulate bone growth and prevent the loss of bone that happens underneath a denture or dental bridge.

On an aesthetic level, dental implants most closely resemble your natural teeth, especially when a ceramic crown is used. And implants actually have less impact on surrounding teeth.  Unlike a dental bridge, which requires that dental crowns are placed on the two adjacent teeth to support the bridged tooth, implants do not require restorations on the neighbouring teeth.

The success rate with dental implants is very high.  It’s critical to keep in mind, however, that it’s as important as ever to practice good hygiene and have regular professional cleanings with your dental implants.  Since implants function like a natural tooth they can be brushed and flossed normally.  With a diligent routine care that includes regular professional hygiene appointments, implants can last for many years.

Are dental implants right for you?

The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health.  The best candidates for dental implants have healthy gum tissues that are free of periodontal disease and adequate bone in the jaw to support the implant.

Our team of dental professionals welcomes your questions about dental implants and all of your family’s dental health needs! Make an appointment with a dentist at Downtown Dental Group in Nanaimo today.


same day CEREC crowns Nanaimo press releaseDowntown Nanaimo Dental Group announced it has expanded its service to downtown Nanaimo patients with same visit crown technology.

The revolutionary single-visit crown system allows Dr. Mahara to take a super accurate digital image of a patient’s existing tooth and then design and mill a customized crown in-office.  This removes the need for messy impressions, a temporary crown and a return visit from the patient two weeks later to place a crown that was made off-site at a dental lab.  For Dr. Mahara and his team, it’s all about maximizing patient comfort and convenience.

Besides being convenient, CEREC, or single appointment crowns, are also of the highest quality. Utilizing a sophisticated computer-aided system, the CEREC mill produces durable high-quality ceramic restorations which actually preserve more of the patient’s natural tooth in the process. CEREC is ideal for patients who want a solid ceramic, authentic tooth-coloured alternative to traditional crowns made right in the dental clinic.

According to Dr. Mahara, “The most exciting aspect of the new CEREC system is our team can now offer our patients the convenience of the entire crown process happening in just one visit, as opposed to the two required by traditional crown design.  This means that our patients save time booked off from work or away from their families.”

“We want to save our patients time and offer them the most convenient treatments technology can offer,” says Dr. Mahara, “That’s what makes us unique.”

CEREC systems use of highly accurate digital imaging also provides more accurate results for cosmetic dentists and eliminates the need for the messy impression process, which means less discomfort for patients.

Constructed of a superior ceramic that has the same characteristics as tooth enamel, CEREC crowns are known as the most natural-looking solution in crown technology available to dentists.

Downtown Dental group believes in investing in technology that makes their patient’s lives better.  The clinic has already invested in a digital x-ray system and now offer dental freezing reversal from Oraverse for patient comfort.

With their focus on patient satisfaction and comfort, it’s no wonder they were voted ‘ Top Dentistry offices in Nanaimo, 2015 by

About Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group – Nanaimo

Call or email to make your appointment today! Phone: 250-754-4322; email:; Address: 5 -140 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5B1

To learn more, visit our website at and like their Facebook Page at

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group – Nanaimo

Do you need a crown but dislike the thought of two trips to the dentist with a two week period of wearing an CEREC same day crownuncomfortable temporary crown in-between? Anyone who has had a crown, knows that this is just part of the process. But does it have to be?

With CEREC, or same appointment dental crowns, it all gets done in one visit!

CEREC, or single appointment crowns, are a sophisticated computer-aided system for producing durable high-quality ceramic restorations. It is simple to use, fast and is excellent for conserving the natural tooth. CEREC is ideal for patients who want a solid ceramic, authentic tooth-coloured alternative to traditional crowns made in a dental lab – all completed in one visit.

Are CEREC crowns new?

CEREC technology is not new. In fact, it has been around for nearly 30 years. Then why are they not offered by every dentist? Many dental offices have not invested in this technology, due to start-up costs and additional training in computer dental assisted design and milling.

Dr. Mahara at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group, however, has chosen to invest in this valuable CEREC Crown technology so that all of our patients can minimize their time spent away from work and family yet also receive optimal restorative results.

Benefits of CEREC

CEREC crowns allow tooth restorations to be completed in a single session but there are several other benefits. First of all impressions are done with super accurate digital impressions. This means no more putty-like material in your mouth to get an impression.

Secondly, the tooth is prepped and the crown fitted during the same visit, so there is no need for a temporary crown. Temporary crowns, typically worn for about two weeks with traditional crowns can come loose or weaken during wear. This is a thing of the past with CEREC technology.

Since CEREC crowns are made of a solid block of ceramic, they are considered to have a very strong structure.

Not only are CEREC crowns known for being strong, but ceramic provides a very natural looking crown which reflects light in a similar way to our natural tooth structure. Additionally, the ceramic blocks come in a wide variety of shades and colours, so your crown can be selected to blend in naturally with your surrounding teeth.


Like every great thing, it may not work in every situation. CEREC technology is not right for all patients in all situations. Depending on the circumstances and location of the tooth to be restored, other types of crowns may be more appropriate.


CEREC crowns are convenient and offer benefits such as excellent structural strength and natural appearance. They are not offered by every dental office and there are some limitations to their application. Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is proud to bring CEREC technology to our patients. Please call to book an appointment with Dr. Mahara today.

Do you dread that after dental treatment freezing that seems to linger too long – impeding your ability to go back toIFeelGreat work, talk properly or to eat?

Your dentist works hard to ensure that you are comfortable during your treatment and this often means dental freezing which usually encompasses not only the nerves of the tooth being worked on, but the tongue and lips too. Unfortunately the freezing lasts much longer than the dental procedure so it’s difficult to go back to work or any other activity until the freezing dissipates – up to two hours later!

Now there is a new technology that can reverse the freezing process and leave you freezing-free in under half the time! It’s called OraVerse and Dr. Mahara and his Downtown Dental Group team are proud to offer it to their patients.

How does it work?

After your dental procedure, your dentist simply injects OraVerse in the same way as dental freezing is administered. There is no pain involved since the area is already numb from the dental freezing. The injection reverses the effects of numbness after a dental procedure and accelerates the return of normal sensation and function.

Why choose it?

If you’ve had unwanted and unnecessary lingering numbness in the lips and tongue after routine dental procedures, you know the following symptoms all too well. A loss of sensation can result in accidentally biting the inside of the lips or cheeks, difficulty with smiling, drinking, and speaking and possibly even uncontrolled drooling. Effects range from annoying and embarrassing to painful!

How quickly will the freezing go away?

Research has shown that freezing will go away in under half the time with this treatment. In clinical trials, the median time to recovery of normal sensation in the upper lip was 50 minutes for OraVerse patients vs. 133 minutes for the control group, and in the lower lip was 70 minutes for OraVerse patients vs. 155 minutes for the control group.

Is it safe?

The safety of OraVerse has been evaluated in 5 clinical trials involving 777 adults, adolescents and children. To date, over 4,500 dentists have purchased OraVerse. The adverse events reported since the introduction of OraVerse have been consistent with those seen in clinical trials.

In the clinical trials, the most common side effects with OraVerse compared to the control group were pain after the procedure (6% vs. 6%), injection site pain (5% vs. 4%), increase in heart rate (5% vs. 6%), headache (3% vs. 4%) and decrease in heart rate (2% vs. 0.3%). The majority of side effects were mild and went away within 48 hours.

Who should not receive OraVerse?

OraVerse is not recommended for use in children less than 6 years of age or weighing less than 33 lbs. In addition, OraVerse has not been studied in pregnant women, and it is not known if OraVerse is passed to the baby while nursing so caution should be exercised if a pregnant or nursing woman is considering using OraVerse. Please consult with your doctor or dentist.

There are no known drug interactions with OraVerse but you should always inform your dental professional about all medications you are taking.

Ask us about OraVerse at your next dental appointment at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group.

Invisalign technology changed the field of orthodontics since its introduction more than a decade ago.  Adult and teens were invisalign nanaimoamazed by the fact that Invisalign braces could straighten teeth without the need for metal and wire brackets and the many restrictions and awkwardness that having braces often entailed.

As Invisalign has evolved, it can now be used for increasingly complex orthodontics cases.  In this article, we’ll show you how Invisalign works and give a powerful example of how complex cases are now being treated effectively through Invisalign.

How Invisalign works

Invisalign shifts teeth into a proper position by using a series of clear aligners made for you by an Invisalign dentist.   Aligners must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day to be effective, leaving up to 2  hours per day to remove them for eating, cleaning the teeth or any other special circumstances.

Each set of aligners are worn for about 2 weeks, so the changes made to your teeth are progressive and you can see the change happening each time you move to the next set of aligners.

Invisalign Example

To illustrate the use of Invisalign, here is the case of a patient at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group.

A young adult patient had been bothered by the appearance of her smile for many years.  She suffered from a narrow arch which invisalign example beforeimpacted her smile.  In fact, only four teeth were visible when she smiled – while normally 8 – 10 teeth are visible in the smile line.  To make matters worse, the two front teeth extended forward, giving a “bucked tooth” appearance.

Beyond appearance, the position of the young woman’s teeth also caused a functional problem – a misaligned bite.  Although this was not causing pain at the time, it was expected that without treatment, this bite anomaly would eventually lead to jaw pain and other symptoms of TMD.

Given all of these factors, straightening the young woman’s teeth and aligning her bite was complex.   Fortunately, Invisalign technology had advanced enough to be able to tackle this difficult case.  After an Invisalign consultation, the patient researched all other options which included seeking further opinions and exploring the option of using traditional wire and bracket braces for her orthodontic treatment.

In the end, since her job involved interaction with the public on a regular basis, she decided that traditional braces might impact her professional image in a negative way.  She also did not look favourably on the idea of wearing metal braces for 2 years or longer.

After taking time to weigh the options, the young woman finally decided to go ahead with Invisalign.

Less than two years later, the young woman finished her treatment and now she wears retainers at night to keep her new smile invisalign afterintact.  Now she has a broad smile which shows her front teeth in an oval arch shape giving her a younger look. The excessive overbite is fixed and the patient admits that she cannot stop smiling now!

Get started with Invisalign

Get started by contacting us for an appointment at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group today.  Dr. San Mahara is a Certified Invisalign Provider and financing plans are available to help make your perfect smile a reality today.  We also recommend that you read more about the Invisalign treatment process on our website and contact us if you have any questions.

The term “sleep apnea” refers to pauses of 10 to 30 seconds in breathing during sleep which disturb the normal sleep cycle.  sleep apnea diagram nanaimo sleep dentalAccording to the Lung Association of Canada, 26% of adults have a high risk of having or developing sleep apnea and 2 – 3% of children are likely to have sleep apnea.

Symptoms and impact of sleep apnea

Excessive daytime sleepiness that cannot be explained and snoring with pauses in breathing are the main symptoms of sleep apnea, however there are other symptoms that can accompany them.

Sleep apnea can lead to a host of negative effects, including:

  • Irritability
  • Gasping or choking during sleep
  • High blood pressure
  • Memory loss
  • Impotence
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Lack of concentration
  • Morning headaches

Medical treatment for sleep apnea

CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is the medical treatment for sleep apnea. CPAP delivers a constant flow of air to the patient through tubing and a mask to the airway. The pressure of the airflow prevents the collapse of the airway and eliminates the sleep apnea events.

One of the downsides of CPAP is the discomfort of wearing a mask and tubing while sleeping. Also, CPAP is not a cure for sleep apnea, it only works as long as it is used.

If diagnosed with severe sleep apnea by a medical doctor, the patient is required to try the CPAP device for at least one month because it is considered the best treatment option.

After one month of using CPAP, or in cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea, the patient can request an alternate treatment for sleep apnea, such as a dental sleep apnea appliance.

Dental appliances and devices to treat sleep apnea

Dental sleep apnea appliances, also known as oral appliances, may be suggested by a patient’s doctor to treat mild or moderate sleep apnea. Dental apnea devices to treat sleep apnea are worn at night and work by holding the tongue and jaw in a forward position.

There are many different types of dental sleep apnea appliances for sleep apnea available. If a dental apnea device or appliance is recommended by your doctor, it’s best to consult with your dentist at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group in regard to the ideal type of apnea sleep treatment.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group in Nanaimo, BC, is proud to offer dental appliances and apnea appliances as an alternative to CPAP to treat sleep apnea as well as snoring and welcomes you to make an appointment for a consultation.


There is a trend toward more and more adults choosing Orthodontic treatments.  With advances in orthodontics, such as the clear, no more braces nanaimo invisalignremovable braces offered by Invisalign, it’s no surprise that new technology is setting the trend for the rise in the number of adults undertaking orthodontic treatment.  In fact, over half of the new orthodontic patients at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group are adults.

What is it exactly that adults want from their orthodontic treatment?

We find that there are 3 expectations that our adult orthodontic patients are frequently expressing the need for.  In order for an orthodontic treatment to work for their lives, our patients are asking for convenience, comfort and appearance.

Fortunately, Invisalign braces answer to each of these concerns – we’ll show you how!

Expectation #1 — Convenience

Our patients have asked for a flexible and convenient teeth straightening process to improve their smiles.  At the same time, our patients do not want to make trade-offs with their lifestyle or valuable time.

Invisalign treatments are designed with convenience in mind. Since the clear invisalign aligners can easily be removed they can be conveniently popped out on special occasions and then popped back in again later.

This teeth straightening system is perfect for those with a busy schedule. Visits to our Nanaimo dental clinic are expected just once every 6 weeks. In terms of cleaning and maintenance, there are really no special requirements – just remove you invisalign aligners and brush and floss as usual.

Of course you still need to wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day, but with the ability to remove them at will, the impact on your lifestyle is under control.

Expectation #2 — Comfort

Traditional wire and bracket braces of the past had a bad reputation for feeling very tight and uncomfortable the whole way through the treatment.  With Invisalign, making the decision to straighten your teeth doesn’t equate to a year or more of discomfort!

Each set of aligners are worn for about 2 weeks.  At the beginning of each new aligner set, it is common to feel a sense of tightness or pressure.  However, since the aligners are designed for short stages, this pressure is lighter and most people adapt to it quickly.  If the pressure is really too much, it is possible for your dentist to adjust the aligners.

Traditional braces also used to wreak havoc on the delicate tissues of the inner mouth.  Invisalign aligners, in contrast are made of a smooth, comfortable, BPA-free plastic that won’t irritate your gums and inner checks.

When it comes to eating, the Invisalign design really shines.  Simply remove the trays when eating and don’t worry about sacrificing any of the foods you normally enjoy!

Expectation #3 — Appearance

Working professionals dread the idea of wearing wire and bracket braces for over a year to straighten their teeth.  Also, the traditional appearance of braces carries the stigma of being juvenile – the realm of teenagers not grown adults.

Invisalign aligners in contract to traditional braces are virtually invisible – giving you the privacy and anonymity you deserve while completing your orthodontic treatment. With all of these advantages, it’s no wonder that adult orthodontic trends favour treatments like Invisalign that provide comfort and convenience without sacrificing appearance.

Contact us about Invisalign

Get started by contacting Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group to book a free invisalign consultation today.  We are Preferred Invisalign providers and offer financing plans to help make your perfect smile a reality today.

Learn more about the Invisalign treatment process on our website.

2-Benefits-of-InvisalignIf you’d like straight teeth without braces or any visible sign that you are doing an orthodontic treatment, Invisalgn is a dental technology that you need to know about.  Instead of bulky metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of see-through aligners that click into place in your mouth to progressively shift teeth into their proper position.  Not only does Invisalign act as clear and invisible braces, they’re removable!

How does Invisalign work?

A series of custom-made, clear aligners are created specifically for you by our Nanaimo Invisalign dentists and are to be worn throughout the day.  Each set of aligners is worn for about 2 weeks, so the changes made to your teeth are progressive and you can literally see the change happening each time you move to the next set of aligners.

Is Invisalign comfortable?

Since the aligners are made of a smooth, comfortable BPA-free plastic, they are specifically designed not to irritate your cheeks and gums. The aligners can be removed when you eat or to brush and floss your teeth, so keeping your mouth clean is a breeze.

Some patients do report to our Nanaimo dental team that the aligners can feel tight, especially when starting a new set.  If the new aligners are really uncomfortable, they can be adjusted.  However, in most cases, this is the natural feeling of tension created to shift the teeth to the next stage in the straightening process, and you will get used to it in no time.

Is Invisalign convenient?

Although you will typically begin a new set of aligners every two weeks, this does not mean you must visit our Nanaimo Invisalign dentists that frequently.  In fact, normally you will only need to check in with your dentist every 6 weeks.

Although being removable makes Invisalign very convenient, it’s important to remember that in order to work properly, the Invisalign aligners must be worn for 20 – 22 hours per day.  That means that although the aligners can be removed for eating and brushing and flossing, they should not be removed for any length of time.  Teen Invisalign users will be happy to know that a large part of their Invisalign wearing time occurs while they’re sleeping, leaving a few hours during the day for removal.

How long does Invisalign take?

While every case is unique for each patient, treatment typically takes approximately a year for adults. For teens, the length of treatment is comparable to that of braces.  Don’t forget however, that for teens, the combination of not having those awkward metal braces and seeing regular progress happening every two weeks makes the time fly by.

How to get started using Invisalign to straighten your teeth?

Get started by contacting us for an appointment at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group today.  We are Certified Invisalign providers and offer financing plans to help make your perfect smile a reality today.  We also recommend that you read more about the Invisalign treatment process on our website and contact us if you have any questions.  We look forward to helping you create the smile you’ve dreamed about soon.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is proud to serve your complete dental health needs in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.  Our Nanaimo dentists and dental hygienists believe in continuous learning to bring you the latest technology in dental medicine and our team of dental professionals aspire to the highest level of patient care.  At each visit to our office we treat you with the respect, honesty and dignity that you deserve.